Saturday, January 11, 2014


I lay here wide awake listening to my best friends snore. The night has been one of emotion and heartache but also a little healing. In one night, my eyes have been opened to much more than I can put into words. 
As of late, I have been filled with this unwavering amount of faith. I no longer questions things in my life, it is as if I know for sure who the Maker and Author are of my life. I am not always quick to remember Him or thank him for all He has given me, but tonight, tonight I know that He is and has been watching over me. Tonight I know that He has been watching over my friends. Tonight I know that my future rests solely in His hands, for there it is safe, and there it will continue to remain. Tonight, I understand the love He has for all His children, whether you believe in him or call Him by a different name. Tonight, I can feel His spirit engulf me as I pray. Tonight, I know that all will be well, and true happiness can only be found through Him. Tonight, tonight, I am thankful for nights like tonight. 

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