Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life Lesson #2 Coaching

I have been helping coach my old high school softball team for the past few months. The season started in early February; after open gyms and try outs, we finally decided on a team that we thought would play well for us. As of lately the girls are finally beginning to trust in the coaching staff. We are starting to see some major progress from some girls, while others we have seen fall short and lose their positions. It has been an interesting experience to say the least.
I've personally told the girls that, " if they were to play with the confidence I had in them, they wouldn't lose a game, because that is how much I believe in them." Yet, I still have girls who will stand at the plate and watch 3 strikes go by without lifting the bat off their shoulders. It's frustrated me to the point where I want to scream, pull my hair out and create a scene. They have all these fears that won't allow themselves to open up and take a chance on themselves. They won't swing because they know they have holes in their swing and they are afraid to show them. They won't swing because they are afraid of making a fool of themselves. And the worst, they won't swing because they don't believe they will hit the ball. As I've sat back and tried to think of ways to help them overcome this fear I thought back to my own career playing. I had those same fears and concerns. I was too prideful to admit it then, but looking back now, I know the issues they are facing are the same ones I faced. Oh, how the Lord works in mysterious ways.
My thoughts soon changed and brought me back to my Father in Heaven. How often had I frustrated him because I stood and watched 3 opportunities go by? How often was He frustrated with me because I know I am awkward (Or I have holes in my personality) so I don't welcome people to the ward when I first see them? How often has He been frustrated with me because I won't participate in ward activities because I don't want to look dumb and show up alone? And the worst, how often has He been frustrated with me because I don't feel worthy of His love or worthy enough to use His Atonement? His patience must be endless. He has been coaching me since before I can remember. He has been my biggest cheerleader and supporter. He has attended every single game, every single trial, every single practice, every single burden, every victory and every loss. Not once has He thrown His hands in the air and told me that I am a lost cause. Not once has He quit coaching or given me the silent treatment because he resented a mistake or an error that I had made. Sure I've been benched a couple times. I've even been yelled at. But I have also been showed my potential. I have been showed a love that I cannot measure or even begin to comprehend. I have been given tools and skills to show that love to others. Heavenly Father must look at each of us the same way any coach would look at his players. He must see all the talent, potential and room for growth in each of us, it would only make sense since He created us. I remember as a kid, a coach of mine would always tell me that they can't play the games for us. They couldn't be on the field and make the decisions. But they trusted that through our preparation we would make the right decisions. How true that must stand for our Father in Heaven. How much He must love and trust us to come to the earth and make the right decisions in this life.  He has trusted you and I to do all we can to make sure we return to him. He has trusted you and I to look out for each of our brothers and sisters who may need help along the way. He has trusted in you and I to go back to our "coach" when we know something is wrong or we have done wrong. He is a coach that never ceases to teach. A coach that will never give up on you. He loves you and I can promise He will always be there for you. I can hear the Him repeating my words with a little twist of his own, "If you were to live life with the confidence, love, adoration, patience, and peace that I have for you, you wouldn't falter nor question what my plan is for you."