Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The unexpected

I absolutely love working with kids. Some of the things that come from these young minds is so exceptional, I am astounded sometimes. But, there are, however, those times where all I can do is laugh and walk away. One of those moments happened today.
Allow me to set the scene. One of the kids had messed up a project we were creating (finger painting, kind of hard to mess up) and began to cry. Another student attempted to console her.

Steven: "It's ok Becky...Everyone makes mistakes."

Sharnay: "Nu uh! Not Beyonce!" *walks away proudly, struttin her stuff*

Bless her heart.

Note: all names have been changed for their protection.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Life Lesson #1

I plan to write about things I learn as I get older or even more simple, things I observe. This may be the only life lesson I have, there may be more to come, but I figure I might as well write them down so I have something to reflect on as years pass. 
I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. I do realize that, that may seem crazy to some.  The idea that such horrific things that this world is capable of, happen for a reason may blow some people’s minds. But what else is there to believe? I would rather have hope in something good than no hope at all. I’ll be honest and say I don’t know the reasons things happen, nor do I believe that I will ever completely understand why they happen but I do know that good can come from every situation we are placed in. That good may manifest itself within minutes of the tragedy or it may happen years later, but the good, nonetheless will come. While talking with a friend today, I realized just how much each of my trials and hardships had changed me and molded me into the person I am today. I can’t imagine being where I am without the trials I have had, and I do believe that I went through those trials in order to help someone else.  I have met so many people in life, some were friends, some were strangers; but they were each in a specific situation that I had also found myself in not too long ago. They were feeling some of the same things I felt, saw some of the things I saw, and were fighting some of the same battles I fought. It brought so much comfort to ME to be able to say “I've been there, I know how it feels” and mean it wholeheartedly. Maybe the comfort didn't come to them, I dunno, I can’t speak for them. But to believe that I went through that particular hard time so that I may help others get through a similar hard time brought me such comfort.  So maybe that is the reason things happen to people. It’s not so much of the whole woe is me, but it is the opportunity to go out and serve someone else with the wisdom and knowledge you gained while going through that hardship in life. With that said, on particularly rough days when I'm sure I can't endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that's pretty good, but also that there is someone out there that I am fighting that specific battle for. And it is for them that I will triumph. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Falling for you

Call me heartless, but I cannot help but laugh when people fall/trip. It is something that brings me so much joy that I can't hold it in. Maybe it is the full, raw, and unprocessed face of fear that you are able to see right before the free fall that I find amusing. I can't be certain but I believe that plays a major role. Don't get me wrong, I will ask if the person is OK but that is only after a good hearty laugh. I do not exclude myself from this category either. There have been countless times that I almost fell or completely flopped and had that absolute face of terror, but the difference between me and some others is that I CAN LAUGH. Maybe it's because I am pigeon toed and have grown up falling and tripping, but I feel the only way to handle a mishap like that is to laugh. Because of my pigeon toes and my scarred knees I feel as though I am entitled to laugh at others. Since I have years of experience, I have organized falls into 3 categories:

1) Almost had ya:

  • Definition: A person who almost falls but catches themselves before the embarrassing crash to the floor.
  • Characteristics: Usually are dumbfound that they could have tripped. Look back to see what they could have tripped over. Stomp around like Hulk trying to regain balance. Don't usually laugh about it unless they see someone else laughing at them. Walk away with a look of relief on their face. 
2) Too cool for school:
  • Definition: People who trip or fall but try to play it off cool as if they meant to trip or fall. 
  • Characteristics: Afraid to be embarrassed. Check to see if anyone saw what just happened. They try really hard not to allow the fall to happen, but we all know its going to. Walk away like it doesn't hurt but when they are alone they silently sob and rub their injuries. Sometimes fake an injury as a reason for or from the fall. 
3) Serious Relationship:
  • Definition: People who trip and embrace their fall in all it's glory. 
  • Characteristics: Usually laugh and stay sitting or laying face down on the floor to soak in all the love the floor has for them. Sometimes play hard to get and not allow the fall to happen, but when it does they can't help but feel the same. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

A blogger...that's the best you got?

Hello world!!
Thank you to those who are choosing to read this. And for those of you who are being forced to read this ( family and friends) thanks for at least getting this far. Ha.
 I've been called many things in life but a blogger was never one of them (my name is Tia..just to make that clear). I haven't been a person who was ever really into reading blogs let alone writing a blog; the whole blogging thing was never my scene simply because of the simple fact that I thought blogging was for those who enjoyed talking about themselves a little too much. We all have that one person in our group of friends who, no matter what the conversation was about, found a way to make it about them. Oh how we love those friends... -_-. My mind soon changed when I found that I had all these thoughts and ideas stuck in my head but didn't want to express them to friends who really didn't want to hear them. So here I am with a blog. The beauty of it all is that you can choose to read. With the click of a mouse you can shut me up or allow me to speak. I just figure, I've been backhanded by life too many times to not write about it. So here is to the good, the bad, and the ugly. To the ups and the downs. To the life lessons and to the simple experiences. We about to get real personal!

Making friends. When you really think about it, is kind of a weird/funny thing. You meet someone you like and then you just do stuff with them. Out of all the people you could have picked you picked this one person usually based on similarities.  Stranger danger goes out the window and we just assume because they like the same stuff you do it is safe to hang out. The beginning is awkward, you usually lie about yourself and pretend you don't fart or burp or do anything else that would turn this friend away from you. However, there are friendships that you feel like you have known that person for years when you first meet. Sharing deep, personal things come easy and they totally understand you and accept you for who you are.
Sadly, with the day and age we live in it seems that these friendships are dwindling due to the technology we have been ever so blessed with. With all the social media at our fingertips our face-to-face conversations are little to none, and the hours we spend on social media sky rockets. I'll be honest, when I see some of my friends in person I cannot for the life of me remember their name but I could tell you their instagram name. My friends and I joke about going around calling everyone by their instagram names. "Hey Nosepickingbecky!(that's a real name, can't make that up!) I saw you posted a pic collage about that pie eating contest. You threw up all over the judges. That was great!" But when I really think about it, that is what our social media is leading us to. No longer will we take advantage of the opportunity to get to really know someone on a deep personal level, because we will be stuck on the life that they portray over the social media. How lonely of a world we will live in if we allow social media to run our social lives. So here is a challenge, go out and meet new people. Introduce yourself. Sure some will think your weird, some may even walk away, if you're in New York you may even get a dirty glare or a slap to the face. But try something new. You never know who you'll meet. It may just be one of those friendships that feels like you've met years before. Give it a shot.